Regal Radiant™ Cut
Sapphire Gemstones
Browse through our online catalog for custom cut sapphire gemstones mined from all over the world with our award winning cutting styles.
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Click the photo of a colored gemstone you are interested in to view more information about that stone.
Yellow Green Montana Sapphire
Regal Radiant™ Cut
Regal Radiant™ Cut
New Parti Color Montana Sapphire
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Blue Australian Sapphire
SunBurst™ Cut (Sold)
SunBurst™ Cut (Sold)
Teal Australian Sapphire
SunBurst™ Cut
SunBurst™ Cut
Parti Color Australian Sapphire
JD Select™ Outsourced Cut
JD Select™ Outsourced Cut
Blue/Green Montana Sapphire
SunBurst™ Cut (Sold)
SunBurst™ Cut (Sold)
Blue/Green Montana Sapphire
Radiant Style Cut
Radiant Style Cut
Blue Montana Sapphire
Regal Radiant™ Cut (Sold)
Regal Radiant™ Cut (Sold)
Fancy Sapphire
JD Select™ Outsourced Cut
JD Select™ Outsourced Cut
White/Pale Blue Sapphire
Radiant Style Cut
Radiant Style Cut
New Blue Unheated Sapphire
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Client Testimonial Sapphire
Regal Radiant™ Cut (Sold)
Regal Radiant™ Cut (Sold)
Parti Color Australian Sapphire
JD Select™ Outsourced Cut
JD Select™ Outsourced Cut
Parti Color Montana Sapphire
Regal Radiant™ Cut (Sold)
Regal Radiant™ Cut (Sold)
Parti Color Sapphire
Regal Radiant™ Cut
Regal Radiant™ Cut
Blue Montana Sapphire
Dreamscape™ Cut
Dreamscape™ Cut
Blue Unheated Sapphire
Deep Concave™ Cut
Deep Concave™ Cut
New Blue/Gray Montana Sapphire
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
New Pale Yellow Sapphire
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
See Outsourced Gems!
Parti Color Australian Sapphire
Regal Radiant™ Cut
Regal Radiant™ Cut
Parti Color Australian Sapphire
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
New White Sapphire
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Yellow Australian Sapphire
Regal Radiant™ Cut
Regal Radiant™ Cut
Peach Sapphire
SunBurst™ Cut (Sold)
SunBurst™ Cut (Sold)
Blue Montana Sapphire
Radiant Style Cut
Radiant Style Cut
Teal Sapphire
JD Select™ Outsourced Cut
JD Select™ Outsourced Cut
Blue/Green Sapphire
Regal Radiant™ Cut (Sold)
Regal Radiant™ Cut (Sold)
Blue Montana Sapphire
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Peach Pink Sapphire
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Blue Montana Sapphire
Regal Radiant™ Cut
Regal Radiant™ Cut
Blue Montana Sapphire
Regal Radiant™ Cut
Regal Radiant™ Cut
Surprise Sapphire
JD Select™ Outsourced Cut
JD Select™ Outsourced Cut
New Purple Montana Sapphire
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Pink Sapphire
Purple Sapphire
ZigZag™ Cut
ZigZag™ Cut
Teal Montana Sapphire
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Parti Color Australian Sapphire
JD Select™ Outsourced Cut
JD Select™ Outsourced Cut
Blue Unheated Sapphire
Radiant Style Cut
Radiant Style Cut
Pink Montana Sapphire
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Blue Australian Sapphire
Dreamscape™ Cut (Sold)
Dreamscape™ Cut (Sold)
Pink Sapphire
Starbrite™ Cut
Starbrite™ Cut
Purple Sapphire
ZigZag™ Cut
ZigZag™ Cut
Blue Montana Sapphire
Dreamscape™ Cut
Dreamscape™ Cut
New White Sapphire
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Parti Color Australian Sapphire
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Fancy Sapphire
Radiant Style Cut
Radiant Style Cut
Light Yellow Sapphire
Radiant Style Cut
Radiant Style Cut
Parti Color Australian Sapphire
Deep Concave™ Cut (Sold)
Deep Concave™ Cut (Sold)
Blue Montana Sapphire
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
New Teal Australian Sapphire
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Red Orange Sapphire
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Yellow Sapphire
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Blue Montana Sapphire
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Parti Color Australian Sapphire
Radiant Style Cut (Sold)
Radiant Style Cut (Sold)
Pink Sapphire
Regal Radiant™ Cut
Regal Radiant™ Cut
Parti Color Australian Sapphire
JD Select™ Outsourced Cut
JD Select™ Outsourced Cut
Pink Sapphire
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
Starbrite™ Cut (Sold)
See More Gems!
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